The University of Cambridge has featured heavily on the show since we launched back in October, which is representative of the influence the University has on the local Tech ecosystem.
This week we sit down with the ideal person at the University to dig into all of this - Andy Neely, Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor Enterprise and Business Relations at University of Cambridge.
Andy describes how he sees the entrepreneurship infrastructure in Cambridge - the knowledge engine, support, space, and "connected Cambridge" that all help you on your journey as an entrepreneur. He then touches on other programs he is involved in to connect Cambridge externally, and Innovate Cambridge which is benchmarking Cambridge's Innovation ecosystem internationally & pulling the innovation ecosystem together in the City.
Faye then moves on the conversation to Andy's work ensuring the City is an affordable, connected, and efficient place to live and work, and asks just how does he manage to prioritise everything!
We wrap up by asking Andy what he is most excited about in Cambridge's future.
In this weeks news section there is news on a number of local raises and deals, featuring Johnson Matthey, Risilience, Quantinuum,, and Stratospheric Platforms.
Looking ahead, the Clinician Engineer Hub Winter Exchange 2023 is on next week, The Founders Institute launches in Cambridge at the end of this month, and they have an online launch event featuring Poppy Gustafsson, CEO of Darktrace., and don't forget Cambridge Tech Week in May.

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