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Show Notes 36: Cambridge Tech Week Wrap Episode.

Welcome to the Cambridge Tech Week wrap episode (yes wrap not rap Faye - but do get ready for the end as the musical references keep going and you’re not going to want to miss what James says).

This episode includes highlights from the core and connect events, our takeaways from some of the sessions and conversations that we had, a selection of the fringe events, and some additional exclusive interviews.

Monty Barlow

“We now have more than permission; we have an obligation [to solve global issues]”

We celebrate the winners of the Innovation Alley inaugural prize, and showcase some of the other interesting Innovation Alley companies included Sanome, Hutan Bio, SAInaptic, Phantom Tech, and Ethicronics.

Mike Short

“Access to investors is easier, but access to customers is harder”

We hear from KMPG who spoke at the Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce fringe event.

Shirin Deghan

“Treat an exit like a sales process”

Simon Thomas of Paragraf shares his thoughts on where the UK plugs in to the global semiconductor supply chain.

We talk about last week’s live episode (episode 35). Thanks again to Umaima, Adam Durrant, Martina King and Jamie Urquhart and our lovely live audience. Watch out for a future episode on tech companies and their role in the local community and a special episode for our first birthday on 1st October.

We hear from Emma Fryer from ERM, who hosted a roundtable with Kao Data and Cambridge Cleantech discussing how data-intensive businesses approach their growing need for sustainable digital infrastructure and shared her thoughts.

Guillermo Ramirez Sneberger, Cambridge Business Association (episode 32) introduced us to two of the LatAm international group. We spoke to Marcus Schreyer, from The Ganesha Lab about internationalisation and how he’s expanding his reach and connecting with Cambridge; and Enrique Mallea about what he will be taking away from his trip to Cambridge.

And much more, tune in for the full content

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